Job Discovery Programme

Grab Academy > Job Discovery Programme


Job Discovery Programme is part of the career facilitation services offered by GrabAcademy. 


This programme aims to support Grab Partners who want to pivot to a new full-time job, but are still unsure about the job fit and their career path, through training incubation, actual job offers and retention bonus package.


Be trained

Gain the skills & knowledge to ace your interviews and applications

Be employed

Get actual job offers with exclusive salary & benefit packages

Be rewarded

500 points from Partner Growth Support Scheme, once you complete 90 days in your new role

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the reward, you will need to be a:

  • Grab Partner who have been driving or delivering with Grab for at least 1 year
  • Singaporean or PR aged 21 years old and above


(Other job role-specific requirements apply)

Job Roles

Join the GrabAcademy Career Facilitation Workshop or visit our Job Portal to explore the available openings.